Some Gospel Reflections
Monday January 12: Mark 1:14-20
Jesus called simple fishermen to follow Him; they were simple imperfect individuals like us. This call is still being made by Jesus to us now, He may not pass us by like what happened in the Sea of Galilee but He continues to use others to call us.Jesus called simple fishermen to let us know that the kingdom of God is not only for those who are learned and moneyed. His kingdom is for everyone of us it doesn’t matter who we are, how sinful we are but what is important is we are ready to leave everything for Him as what the four disciples did in the gospel.
We also respond to His call to follow Him when we allow Jesus to use us as His channel of grace to others, when we chose to turn our backs to sin and lead our lives according to His teachings.
Tuesday January 13: Mark 1:21-28
Back then when we were still studying we would normally wish that the class that we would be in would be handled by a very good teacher. When we’re sick we would always wish for the best doctor to heal us.Jesus is the greatest teacher that we could ever have if only we would care to listen to Him but the big question is do we even care to read the Bible and listen to him there? Do we care to have a constant encounter with Jesus through the Holy Mass?
Jesus is the greatest healer that we could ever have if only we would try to discover the inner healing that He always gives us.
Wednesday January 14: Mark 1:29-39
In my almost ten years of being a Lay Minister I’ve accompanied Priests go to the sick and administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. One of the most memorable so far was when we went to the house of an old lay minister. He was bone thin but he was still coherent. Upon seeing us fresh tears immediately flowed from his eyes and he tightly grasped the hand of the Priest. Then he was immediately given the Sacrament of Healing.After almost a month the old bone thin lay minister went to the church presented himself to our parish priest and told him that he was willing to resume his ministry again, unbelievable but true.
In the gospel Jesus went to Simon’s mother in law who was sick with fever, He approached her grasped her hand and help her up then she was immediately cured.
The Priest who administers the Sacrament of Healing acts in the person of Christ, he is Jesus when he anoints the sick with Holy oil.
credit: mjdasma
1:41 AM
Gospel Reflections