There is an interesting discussion going on over at soompi forums over the real owner of the jujak power and this is clearly where the lines have been blurred by the PD clearly to get us all imaginative and creative as to who it is.
From episode 2, we understand that the heart of Jujak was handed to young Kiha by her mother and when Hwa Cheon Sect attacked, they thought that Kiha was the owner and later the Daejangro confirmed that Kiha was the reincarnation of their previous leader, Kajin.
They never for one moment think otherwise since the jujak power belonged to them initially before Hwanwoong took it from Kajin 2000 years ago. Daejangro even managed to draw power from the heart of jujak through Kiha as a proxy to make himself look younger. It isn’t a surprise for they should know how to manipulate the power since it was once theirs.
On the other hand, Sae-Oh who died as the dark manifestation of the jujak was reincarnated into this era as Kiha’s sister but as fate decreed, they were separated at birth by circumstances. When the Black Water village people arrived and saw the jujak insignia appearing on her forehead, they felt that they should kill it now before it manifests itself.
But Hyeon-Mu thought otherwise and didn’t see it as black and said he will take responsibility for her and kill her if it does manifests itself. He later became the guardian and teacher of the baby and named it Suzini. He was also later to become the owner of the Black Turtle staff.
What we can know from this is that, the heart of jujak is key to the power. Naturally, Hwa Cheon sect and Kiha and manipulate the power handed down from generations. But Suzini will also be able to since Hwanwoong had gave her that and she even manifested into the dark jujak. Suzini is the real owner while Kiha can be looked upon as a previous owner and current keeper only. So in a nutshell, Suzini if she gets the heart of jujak, there is a possibility she might or might not manifest into the dark jujak depending on cirumstances.
In episode 5, Daejangro of Hwa Cheon sect was at the arena to see Yeon Ho Gae playing horse hockey and assess his status as the Jyusin king. Imagine his glee when the heart of Jujak started glowing brightly because it is said that this will happen when the Jyusin king and Jujak owner is near each other. He started looking at Kiha and then Ho Gae, confirming his theory as it continued glowing brightly.
What he didn’t know was that, Damdeok and Suzini were the the real Jyusin king and Jujak owner respectively and had just walked past him! Case of mistaken identity!
theory by tiffany@soompi
When Dam Deok and Suzini walked past Daejangro @ the horse hockey arena
When only Kiha was inside the room…
The heart glowed when Suzini and Damdeok walked past but it was on fire when Kiha (and probably when Suzini) is around. Because they are the reincarnation of Jujak, they are affiliated with fire. The only difference is Kiha is the only one that knows how to use it for now.
Kiha is more powerful now but because her powers are already awoken probably by Daejangro and being trained from young in martial arts. Whereas Suzini has yet to realise that she has such powers and just learnt how to be street smart I guess with her teacher protecting her greatly.