Gospel Reflection
Saturday, January 17: Mark 2:13-17
Jesus called Levi to follow Him notwithstanding his notorious reputation as a corrupt tax collector not only that, He even went to his house and dined with Levi and other sinners. The self-righteous Pharisees on the other hand were indignant with Jesus because He chooses to be friends with Levi and the other sinners.The implication of the gospel to us is this: No matter how sinful we are, God is continuously calling us to conversion and to follow Him just like what He has done with Levi. He doesn’t judge us by our sins; He rather looks at our desire to change for the better. The moment we decide to change our crooked ways we can always be assured of His abiding presence in us.
Let us always remember that it is always us who creates detachment from God that’s when we commit sins. God is always there ready to embrace us the moment we decide to walk away from our sinful ways.
We also are like the Pharisees when we are quick to condemn those who sin. It is so easy to say that he/she is a sinner but if we will only look at our own selves we will find out that we are not worthy to judge them for we ourselves are sinners like them. ...
2:07 AM
Gospel Reflections