After months of hype followed by expectation, the Korean version of popular Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango, Boys Before Flowers finally makes its debut tonight on KBS2TV. The story revolves around an average girl, Geum Jandi (Goo Hye Sun) who makes her way into a prestigious school by chance and her encounters with the school’s notorious F4 following a chance meeting.
The Korean version of Hana Yori Dango will seek to fill in the gaps that had been missing in the original manga and give a detailed account of exactly how Jandi made her way into the prestigious school. The focus of the first episode which will be shown tonight will be what was mentioned earlier in this article.
Goo Hye Sun had a really hard time filming the below-mentioned scene (see photo below). Besides being doused with eggs, flour from F4 supporters and having to change 10 outfits (for different takes), she also developed a serious bout of flu from the long filming hours of this particular scene.
KBS is banking heavily on this drama to turn the tables on the competing dramas (MBC East of Eden, SBS Terroir) from the other tv stations in terms of ratings, having been on the losing end for nearly 2 years. But it’s certainly not going to be easy, having to go against the two who have an established viewership base already. Another thing to look out for is whether the Korean version can equal or surpass the Taiwanese and Japanese versions.
It’s going to be a long-shot with the ratings. But there will be many teen and overseas viewers for this definitely. Will this be a Goong or a Goong S? Everything will be revealed tonight (reviews) and tomorrow (ratings).
Last: January 5, 2009