Gospel Reflections[feb5-7]
February 5, Thursday Mark 6:7-13
According to a written commentary in Judaism there is a need for two witnesses to attest to the reality of a completed accomplishment. That’s why Jesus sent the apostles two by two to serve as witness to each others good deeds. But more than that I think the twelve were sent two by two to be of help to each other, to strengthen each other whenever they feel like giving up in making a positive impact in the lives of their fellowmen.
Jesus emphasized to the apostles their complete trust and confidence on Him because He will provide for them. That’s why He said: “Take nothing with you except for your walking stick: “No food, no sack, no money in your belts.”
By our Baptism we also share in the mission of the twelve, we are also being commissioned by Jesus to heal those who are emotionally and spiritually wounded because of poverty largely created by the harsh economic environment that we are in right now.
There’s a lot of them nowadays maybe they’re your poor siblings, parents, neighbor or even a complete stranger just passing by you. Let’s not worry about ourselves Jesus will take care of us in return as what He did with the apostles.
February 6, Friday Mark 6:14-29
John the Baptist denounced the immorality of Herodias and King Herod and he paid dearly for it. He was beheaded at the behest of his daughter who danced for them in his banquet. It was an elaborate plan by Herodias who harbored anger against John.
The price of exposing the truth is very heavy indeed. Take for example Mr. Jun Lozada the whistleblower in the ZTE broadband corruption scandal. The hero is now in hiding and fearful of his life. This is the price that he has to pay for having the courage to tell the truth on how deeply rooted corruption in Philippine government is. He is not alone in this lonely Don Quixotic crusade.
Sometimes we too are afraid to denounce/expose immorality in our own sphere of environment because it may cost us dearly but how can we correct a wrong if we will just keep quite?
Political Philosopher Edmund Burke said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
February 7, Saturday Mark 6:30-34
After working so hard in spreading the good news of Jesus the apostles went back to Jesus and reported what they have done and taught. Contented and pleased with what they have done He said: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”
Unknown to many Priests and us also have our regular retreat/recollection schedules at least once a year. Us for example we had our one day Advent recollection in the Saint Gaspar Bertoni Seminary here in Carmona. It was beautifully facilitated by Fr. Romulo Bertoni CSS an Italian Stigmatine religious priest. Inside our recollection we had Confession and a Mass was celebrated for us. This coming February 28 we will have again our one day recollection to be facilitated by a Filipino Priest this will coincide with our renewal to our ministry.
Taking rest and contemplating about the goodness of God and the importance of what we do for the people of God is very important. Because it recharges and refreshes us to be more committed in our ministry where God has called us.
Others like you may not have been to a retreat/recollection but you can do it also in your own little way. Having a daily exclusive quite time for God will do wonders for us for the reason that it will make us aware that amidst the daily grind of our lives there’s a God who is in charge of it all. Who continually strengthens us....
12:30 PM
Gospel Reflections