Super Junior News [2008 archieves #11]

►Before Jungsoo was Leeteuk, he was Shinee. Before he was Shinee, he was Kangsoo.

Super Junior’s Eeteuk says that his stage name has a way long story before he debuted. On KBS 2TV’s ‘Chat With The Beauties’ Eeteuk confesses that ‘Eeteuk’ was not the intitial stage name that was given to him by SM on the show’s broadcast on June 9th.

"The very first name that the manager had given to me was ‘Kangsoo’while the second one was ‘Shinee" (lol~ the SHINee concept materialized after 3 years)’. But Lee Sooman (boss) is already having a hard time figuring out a name, they came up with ‘Eeteuk’ as a third name.

After hearing the behind-story in Thailand Eeteuk realized that “In Thai, ‘Eeteuk’ sounds like a female ‘변강쇠’ (can’t translate)”.~Katrina [with my ok korean] i think that says “baen kang so” or “baen gang so”..eheh i hope its right ^^

►phone issue with teukie [antifans]

i don't know if some fo you, might have already know about this incident~ but this is for those who haven't... [just like me T_T] this is all about what happen to Leeteuk oppa last February 7th and 8th at SUKIRA... where anit-fans kept ringing teukie oppa's phone, that makes teukie oppa throw his CELLPHONE~

you can watch the video here:

youtube link:click here

►Super Junior H Anan Magazine's Interview

Q: If the target group of SM’s new addition, SHINee, are noonas, Super Junior- Happy’s target group seems to be women of the same age. That’s what we feel from the news.. Why do you have the hopes of dividing up the entertainment music market?

Ming: No! We also like noonas.. In fact, at the beginning, we didn’t direct ourselves at any particular age group, but eventually it’s the same. Because, everybody calls for Super Junior’s existence. Haha
(OMG MING, ILUSM for saying that! ♥)

Q: Recently, a major topic was formed because when you all were singing ‘Yoriwang’ live, you said out your favourite female actress impromptu after the line “My girlfriend..”..

Teuk: This was Shindong’s idea. A period of time we sang Son Ye Jin and Kim Hye Soo’s name.. and every time we sing, we’ll sing a different name. Sometimes, we’d also use famous lines from the movies they acted in.. Anyhow, as long as we do it impromptu, the fans will think that there’s more meaning to it.

Q: For a period, we took notice to Super Junior’s activities, and we felt that your “warm” and “humourous” thoughts, unlike common idol groups, were much stronger. In fact, it enhances a positive outlook. Although now your target groups are not limited, are there any misgivings or burdens faced when you all are trying to get rid of the stereotype that “Idol = secretive, suave”?

Yesung: Our images on the stage and on variety shows are very different. On stage, we are singers. And when on variety shows, we are characters of the entertainment masses, and that’s an ability every celebrity needs to have.
Just like when the camera is facing us, and we need to differentiate and digest the questions between 2 different roles.

Kangin: For that question, we have some different thoughts on it. On variety shows, our warm and humourous side are not any strategies, nor is it something that we just came up with, it’s our usual selves. Since we’re not fake, and 100% frank about it, what misgivings and burdens would we have? To be able to be the first group of idols to sing Trot, it’s just like favouring the frankness and humour we possess. It’s a performance that we can feel a sense of pride of.

Q: Now it seems like most of you all aren’t very young any more, most of the members have reached their mid-twenties. As compared to your ideal type when you were younger or your realistic standards of your partner, or do you have love ideals that are set according to your present situations?

Kangin: I like older women. They are independent in their lives, they stick to the rules, and when their man gets insulted by others, they’ll stand up to fight for them. A type just like my mother.. (Lol, Kkang!)

Teuk: Actually from my ideal type before, I’m not very picky with my standards. I like women who are dainty, their eyes must be big; just like the shape of a crescent moon, they must have long hair, they must be taller than 163cm.. Anyhow, I just have about 13.4 requests..
Previously, I’d always feel like laughing when I look back on the ideal types interview I uploaded onto my minihompy. But the standards now are different.. Ignorantly, I’m now attracted to women who have “the correct feeling”..

Ming: I’m also a little ignorant. As long as they are women whom I can get along with? I only know whose mouth and nose they must resemble, but that kind of outer appearance standards are slowly diminishing..

Shindong: Women who have economic sense, better if they are good at managing finances. As for outer appearances, someone who’s more petite? My ideal type is someone who’s about 150cm.. someone who’s petite.

Yesung: I like women who are not restricted by time. Haha. To be in a relationship with someone, even if it’s after 12am, and they still have their freedom.. Because of my career, as compared to the day, there’ll be more circumstances when we can meet in the night. And if I am not able to express my love properly, a woman who’s able to be patient and able to wait would be even better.
Originally, it’s saying that I’m eager to use my feelings to convey to her.

Hyuk: I’m almost just like Yesung. I hope that the person will be able to embody the love I have for her even though I am not able to express it well. And also, she has to laugh when I’m joking, she can’t smoke, and doesn’t drink alcohol.. a woman like that would be even better.

►Lee Teuk, “Those who picks at fandom, go look in the mirror”

Lee Teuk wrote on his minihompy on 19th July regarding the culture and audience of their performance.

“You people who pick at this and that of idol culture and fandom should go think about it yourself. You can’t even see your own self, and you are even picking at other’s fingernails. Go look in the mirror. I really hate this.”

This raised the attention of many netizens to Lee Teuk’s post and had also left many unpleased about his words.

Fans had turned up at Seoul’s “Cass Tok Music Festival” on 18th July. Super Junior was the last performer for the concert. And when Lee Teuk left the stage, the fans were making quite a scene in the audience. A problem was also raised that part of the audience had left the performance during the performance intervals. In addition, the recent incident of the silence event at So Nyeo Shi Dae’s performance had
point to a problematic performance culture of South Koreans.

Meanwhile, many had left encouragement messages on the guestbook on Lee Teuk’s minihompy like “Why be worried when you are happy? Just let go off whatever’s on your mind and smile”, “Lee Teuk oppa, don’t lose heart” etc.

There were also messages that goes, “Even though we did wrong during the silence event at So Nyeo Shi Dae’s performance, we did not leave the performance hall but just did not respond to the performance” and “It is not the correct conduct to leave the performance hall during the performance intervals”.

his page also expresses:
I am not as strong as I thought I was..
Even if I work hard at pretending to smile..
Even if I try to muster the strength..
But recently, I’m always just like a fool..
Pretending to be strong..
Who’s going to give me a helping hand...

►suju, 1000 days since debut

there will be a party to celebrate 1000th day anniversary of Super Junior, the party will be held at 06:00PM on [b]July 27th at Kwang Jang Dong Melon-AX hall. Because of the busy schedule, just Supy members and HeeChul will attend that party (==" many comments complain why 13 members cant attend that event together). Just 1000 fans can join this party, the fee is 10,000won (about 10$). If you're still in Korea until July 27th and want to join, you can read more details in above link...

►Super Junior 13, will release an album on ‘09

Popular Korean Idol Band Super Junior will finally relieve fans of stress and rumors of disbandment by announcing a new album released due next year.

According to Choi Siwon, on KBS Relay Interview with Super Junior which was aired last July 19. SJ-M will come back to Super Junior after all China activities are finished to start the process of the new album for 2009.

Despite the anticipation from ELF's Only 13 Campaign, it is still unclear whether or not the new album will be featuring a guest; like Henry Lau in Don't Don.

KBS relay

►The End of Chunji Radio

After 2 years 5months, the radioshow, Chunji, moderated by Super Junior Sungmin and SNSD Sunny will make its last broadcast on July 30th.

SM claims the reason for the ending does not relate to SM whatsoever however specific reason for why the radio show will end are still not enclosed to the public.

On July 27th, Super Junior will be celebrating their 1000th day as a group. There will be a party held at Kwang Jang Dong Melon- AX Hall @6 pm which costs $10 but only 1000 fans can join. Unfortunantely, due to the members’ different and inconvenient schedules, only Super Junior H and Heechul will be attending the event. Many ELF are disappointed over this news because they believe all 13 members should be at this event. It is their 1000th day celebration!!

►Eun Hyuk finds WonderGirls YooBin’s elbow pretty

Super Junior’s Eun Hyuk said he find WonderGirls‘ Yoobin’s elbow pretty.

Eun Hyuk will be the MC on MBC Every1’s Idol Show on 24th July. And he will be performing HOT’s “We Are The Future” and “proposing” to Yoobin.

His reason for his proposal, “She is like my ideal type - Son Yae Jin - her elbow and Son Yae Jin’s elbow look alike.”

On the same episode Super Junior Lee Teuk will also be dancing to HOT’s “Candy”. The other members will be dancing to the remakes of their SeonBae’s songs. In addition, the only gagman in the MCs Jang Dong Min will be doing a parody of Big Bang TaeYang’s “Look Only At Me” with Shin Dong on the episode. They will also be dancing to WonderGirls‘ songs.

►Some Super Junior Random News

1. Kim Heechul will be in Simsimtapapa in July 28th. Really!
2. In 2009, Super Junior-M will return to release the new album. Not believe? Choi Siwon said it himself in
KBS Relay Interview with Super Junior watch it here!