Super Junior News [2008 archieves #10]

Cyworld Entries / Fancafes

►080709 Ryeo Wook Fancafe

08.07.09 02:31My bad Japanese…
Only Arigato gozaimasu (*)…..RyeoWook only knows that…ㅋ
So I learnt 2 more terms ~ otsukare samadesu (**)…(it sounds a little like it…)
itadakima~~~~~su (***)
ㅋㅋㅋ (I’m good at Korean !!!)
At Budokan with more than 10 thousands seats !
Although it was a short meeting but it left me greatly impressed //
After all the schedule ended, Super Junior members went to bed already ~^^
Super Junior is happy ~^^
And also to the members who couldn’t come here….
KiBum who are filming the drama so hard ~
I miss you ~~^^
Super Junior eh-yo~
Love all of you !

►Hee Chul's Cyworld Entry 080710

Heechul’s Cyworld Entry 2008.07.10 22:02
Title: My Birthday
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me
To Beloved Kim Heechul
Happy Birthday To Me

Although it’s my birthday, I don’t have anyone to see, and have no where to go either..
The feeling of staying at home alone and having a birthday party is GOOD (-┏)

Now the world is just like a kaleidoscope, having a birthday party isn’t such a luxury anymore.. Hu..
To have it cool-ly.. Hu~

Where and where? (?) (-┏)
*Heechul’s minihompy title now is “The world is a kaleidoscope”

►Jungsoo’s Cyworld Entry 2008.07.14 02:02

(Please, I beg of you, please do not paste any more stickers here)
I wrote this on the 13th, to all those people I wanted to thank..
The past week with the 1st Official Fan Meeting in Japan, the Name Card Exchange event, touch meeting..
The Budokan filled with 12,000 fans
Everyone’s sincerity.. I felt it all this time..

And hitting 4th on the Oricon Charts, it’s something I could never have dreamt of..
Really, thank you very much..
Arigatoh gozaimasu!!! (아리가또 고자이마스!!! Thank you in Japanese)
Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!!! Super Juni eo!!!! deseu!!! (도죠 요로시코 오네가이시마스!!!! 슈퍼주니 어!!!!데스!!! Please give us care and concern, we are Super Junior!)

And the 1st Asia Tour in Thailand..!!
Every time we go, we always feel that it’s a warm country.. the first time we’re having a performance abroad..
The 1st Asia Tour.. it was filled to the fullest of 14,000 seats
Overflowing with pearl sapphire blue.. Because of the overseas fans..
They sang Marry U so perfectly.. my worthless self..
It felt like I was given so much love.. and I cried for very long..
Thank you.. Really thank you.. Mee Kwan Suk Krab??!!!!!^^(미쾀숙 크랍? I’m very happy??) Khob khun krab (코큰캅.. Thank you)
And those who were waiting for too long.. our country’s.. fans..!
We were away for too long.. Thank you for waiting so long for us, and not cheating..!!
You mustn’t get angry!! I’m Korean!!! ^^ Love you all..

And those who came from afar.. China.. Taiwan.. Hong Kong.. Malaysia.. Vietnam.. France
Really thankful to all those fans who came from other countries..
I love you all

Although we have different looks.. Different nationalities.. Different languages..
But we are one!!!!!

This time.. after coming back.. I really had a lot of feelings..
What should I do.. What path shall I take today..
Why should I work even harder.. and be even more humble..

Super Junior begins now!!!!
Thank you.. I love you…!!!
We are Super Juni~~~~or!!!!
We are E.L.F!!!!!^^
(Please do not stick any more stickers.. please..)

►Ryeowook’s Fancafe 080715

Ryeowook’s Fancafe Message 2008.07.15 00:02

Title: In China

Hehe~~ We just ended today’s rehearsal..
Tomorrow we will hold Super Junior-M’s 100 Day Party~~
We had this thought early……
About looking back.. it’s like having a lot of ideas and thoughts
putting together into 1 day……
Really very thankful~
And I really miss the Korean fans~~
And our members in Super Junior……
And Appa Omma I really miss you too^^
So I’ll work even harder from now on~!!
Please support us even more~!!!

P.S. In the hotel.. Preparing to eat my dinner now!~~
Hehe Everyone must eat well^^

►Hankyung’s Cyworld Entry 2008.07.17 00:33

Title: 100th Day Anniversary

Just like all those paper aeroplanes you sent flying to us tonight, I will give the same happiness to you all. I’m very thankful to all those who have been giving encouragement and support to SJ all this while, especially those who accompanied SJ-M throughout these 100 days, and of course I’m even more thankful to my cute fans. Hehe~~~! I was extremely happy to be able to spend today’s very special 100 Days anniversary in Wuhan with you all.

Although the recent schedules have been full and pretty tiring~ but once (we) see you all, (we’ll) get very excited. Today, I’ve also especially prepared a piano performance, and it’s my first time publicly performing for you guys, I’m very nervous~ So at the beginning I even played a few notes wrong, hope you will forgive me~ Hehe~~~~!This will also make me practice harder from now onwards, although in now I’m still unable to do many things well, but you guys are my driving force. Just so that I won’t let you all down with all your support, I will continuously try to perfect myself, to surpass myself. Thank you all for all the touching moments, at this very moment I am very blessed~~~~!

I love you all~~~~!!!!!!

►Hee Chul's Cyworld Entry 080716

Heechul’s Cyworld Entry 2008.07.16 23:46
Title: Even Omma’s (Mothers) will avoid “Omona”

This is an OMONA photo I took with Hankyung..

This is indeed really OMONA (-┏)

Looking at the both of us pretending to be docile to take this photograph

Me & Hankyung: PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Me (Heechul): Even though your expression can be counted as ‘wonderful’ but it seems like it can’t be forgiven ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Hankyung: You really look like a fool ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ(In Hankyung-Korean: 넌 친촤 바포가태 neonchinchwa bapoatae)
(You really look like a fool 넌 진짜 바보같애 neon jinjja babogarae ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

Me (Heechul): Ah, are you asking for a punch? OMONA This ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Hankyung: The two of us are complete idiots ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ(In Hankyung-Korean: 둘타 완천 토라이야 dulta wancheon torayiya
(The two of us are complete idiots 둘다 완전 또라이야 dulda wanjeon ttorayiyaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

Me & Hankyung: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Indeed, we’re two members with a very good relationship (-┏)

►Teuk's Cyworld Entry 080717

Jungsoo’s Cyworld Entry 2008.07.17 04:53

I said don’t stick the stickers.. I have to keep taking them away.. The stickers.. are very disturbing (?)
If it’s like this, I won’t write any more diary entries..
Japan Oricon Daily Charts #4!!!! Weekly Charts #8!!!!!
(We) didn’t properly go over a single event, and we even seldom see each other in Japan!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
No matter what I want to thank you all again.. Arigatou Gozaimasu (아리가또 고마이마스/ありがとう ございます)!!!!^^

►Teukie's Cyworld Column 080719

ungsoo’s Minihomphy Column Update 2008.07.19

About people going this and that about idol culture..Saying this and that about fandom..People saying this and that about the performing culture..Please reflect on yourself, if you don’t look at yourself and you just point at others..Look at yourself in the mirror..It’s really detestable..

*Apparently he wrote this in at around 6am in the morning.


And a translation of the words on the right side of his layout

-I am not as strong as I thought I was..
Even if I work hard at pretending to smile..
Even if I try to muster the strength..
But recently, I’m always just like a fool.
Pretending to be strong..
Who’s going to give me a helping hand..


And on the top left corner

-It’s okay, I’ll be fine

►Kyuhyun’s Fancafe Message 2008.07.22 19:35

Title: ……

What is the truth what is a lie

Who’s telling the truth

Although I don’t know who’s telling a lie..
It’s just that it hurts in a small corner of my heart

*I followed exactly as what the source showed, and I think there was only punctuation in the 3rd line..

►Hee Chul's Cyworld Entry 080726

Heechul’s Cyworld Entry 2008.07.26 12:19

Title: Name

Which would be good?
Jungmo (X-mas from Trax) and I held our heads together and thought through it much..

Tell Me
Gaegood (Very good)
Gaettabong (Very impressive?)
Which would be good? (-┏)

Within today I shall collate all the applications for names with my type of style ㄱㄱ
At the fancafe and elsewhere too ㄱㄱ

To add on,

Su Bak Yi Bak Su (From Rokkugo lyrics)
Ttutturu Du Ttuttu (From SNSD’s Kissing You lyrics?)
Gaeteuk is a nickname that I put my mind into creating, so I’ll pass on that (-┏)

►Teuki's Cyworld Update 080727

Mini Column Update (I’m guessing he updated around 2am KST):


The road that I should walk…
It’s still very far^^…

Minihompy Title:
