Gospel Reflections [feb9-12]

February 9 Monday: Mark 6:53-56

In the past few days until now I’ve noticed that some of the gospel readings are about the healing ministry of Jesus. People flock to Him because they want healings and miracles from God and our gospel reading for today is no different.

People follow Jesus because He heals and cures them all from their ailments. What if Jesus has no power to heal would they still follow Him?

February 10 Tuesday: Mark 7:1-13

The Pharisees were very particular of their custom/tradition they follow it to the letter. So when they saw that Jesus’ disciples ate their meals without washing their hands—they told Jesus about it. They said: “Why do your disciples not follow the tradition of the elders but instead eat a meal with unclean hands?" and Jesus told them: You disregard God's commandment but cling to human tradition." He went on to say, "How well you have set aside the commandment of God in order to uphold your tradition!

We see that Jesus puts more weight on the commandments of God more than their traditions the interior rather than the exterior, the inside conversion rather than the exterior observance of their laws.

The conversion that Jesus desires for us is one that involves a change of our hearts and mindsets—to be more compassionate to the poor for we sometimes judge them by their appearance and their lack of education.

How about the well-heeled? Of course they are always given respect because of their exterior appearance.

February 11 Wednesday: Mark 7:14-23

Jesus said: “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile." Jesus said this to address the overzealous Pharisees who were very particular in their observance of their laws and traditions. Such as not doing any work during their Sabbath day, which Jesus sometimes violates.

Jesus tells us that what will make us unclean are the evil thoughts that comes out from our hearts and minds our sinful and immoral actions that originate from there. He addressed this to the Pharisees during His time and He is also addressing this to us right now who sometimes acts like modern day Pharisees.

February 12 Thursday: Mark 7:24-30

If we will try to look back on the past days gospel readings we will find out that Jesus has already become so popular and wherever He goes throng of people follow Him because of the healings and miracles that He does for them all.

This is what we must take note of Jesus; He did not take advantage of His popularity; He is always humble and always has that self effacing attitude. When He went to Tyre and entered a house there He wanted no one to know about it. Not because He doesn’t want to be bothered or He doesn’t want the crowd to follow Him again.

Humility and lack of self-importance this is what characterized Jesus’ attitude. So unlike of us who always wants to be recognized, who always want to manipulate those who follow us for our own selfish ends....