Super Junior News [2008 archieves #20]

►Mnet music festival

Date: November 15, 2008
Time: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Location: Seoul Olympic Stadium

Super Junior, TVXQ, Big Bang,
SS501, Battle, SHINee, FT Island,
Wonder Girls, Supernova, Lee Hyori,
SNSD, MC Mong, SG Wannabe, Ivy, Dong Wan

►Super Junior-M released new MV, “Me”

Recently, the Super Junior Sub-group, Super Junior-M, has just released their new MV, titled”ME”. This time they tried a different style and did a pretty good job. The Mv is refreshing. It is like showing you the ”cutesy” side of these 7 members.

It seems the MV has express the differences between Super Junior M and Super Junior that fans have been comparing. Not only does Super Junior M not display any rap in most of their songs but every member gets at least one line in the song.

Shindong Dances to a Healthy Slimmer Body

The news of Super Junior member Shin Dong reducing his body weight by 16kg with dieting and vigorous dance training has become a hot topic among fans.

Shin Dong smashed the usual perception among critics that idol singers must be good-looking with his gift of the gab and a wide array of talent when he debuted as par of Super Junior. He posted a selca of himself on his Cyworld recently and when compared to his previous photos, you just can’t believe that you are looking at the same person. He looks totally like a different person. He has once again changed people’s perception of Shin Dong through this.

According to a SM Entertainment representative, “Shin Dong has been on a diet by himself in order to let fans see a different side of him. Besides controlling his food intake, he has also been losing a lot of weight from being on his MNet program ‘Dance Yong Hyung Dong Jae’. Shin Dong always have to keep dancing on the program and he has unknowingly lost a lot of weight through that.”

Heechul's feelings to Zhoumi

Ahh... my cute buddies include one Zhou Mi
Although I'm not sure what he's like in the eys of fans
To me, before debuting in SJM, he was my cute little brother

I have to go back to the summer of 2006
I was in hospital because of the car accident, resting
Precious Gold (meaning Kibum) and Han Geng came nearly every day to keep me busy and laughing
One day, Han Geng came with Zhou Mi

Han: Introducing the newcomer Zhou Mi
Zhou Mi: Hello, I'm Zhou Mi
Heechul: Seasoning...
(Zhou Mi in Korean sounds like 'Seasoning' so that's HeeChul's nickname for him... lol)
Kibum: Pah...
Han: Hahahahahahaha!
HeeChul: Hehehehehehe (well I'm guessing the "sound" made, ok?!)
Zhou Mi: ^-^?

Looking at it this way, the first meeting, I made Zhou Mi uncomfortable.

Returning from the hospital, I couldn't even walk and making dinner for myself was difficult
But Seasoning would come to be side, using broken Korean

Zhou Mi: Hyung... are you ok?
HeeChul: Ahh.. Seasoning, don't worry about me, you go out and have fun... hoho~
Zhou Mi: No ^-^, Han Geng hyung says I have to help you

And like that, suddenly I have someone helping me.. (+_+)

If I'd finished eating, he will get me my crutches
When sleeping, he will cover me with a blanket
Even when I go to the toilet, he'll hold on to me like he's scared I'll fall over
He'll turn on the TV, help me turn on the air conditioning... do everything for me

Like my mummy...

Ah, thinking about the past, thinking about the sad and touching times makes me want to tear up

Even though he's tall, he's kind and cute
When I think of my close friends, he hides his height to accompany me... the funny guy~
(I think in Korean "close friends" means you're of the same level, i.e. the same height... so Zhou Mi shrinks... I'm complete guessing here... kinda confused... but MiMi is cute, oui?!)
Whenever he comes to Korea, he always contacts me first... like a pidgeon (???)This time, the ShangHai concert is over... "Seasoning! Hyung's leaving now!"
His eyes watered up... he's meant to be man like! Huh.

But whatever happens
When I couldn't even move, the one who became my arms and legs... Seasoning (+_+)

►SJ-M Radio Interview

After introductions…
Girl DJ: This is already the 4th day of this program. So, after 4 days, are you guys able to understand our jingle? *starts singing a bit* Can you all sing it?

*everyone starts singing*
Ryeowook (?): Wo yao wo de ying yue~~ (part of the jingle – ‘I want my music’)
Girl DJ: Right, let’s get one of our Korean friends to sing this song for us okay? Hana, tul, set!
Everyone: Wo yao wo de ying yue~~
Girl DJ: Very good, very good. ‘I want my music’ – that’s right! For today’s program, we’ll start with introducing the album. Now during the recording, there’ll always be someone who ‘doesn’t follow the rules’, who is it? Is it Donghai?
Donghae: No!

Girl DJ: Hangeng, as the leader of the group, I think 7 of you recording the album together - there should be some stuff that happened. [Sorry I didn’t really get this part]
Hankyung: Actually, we all recorded separately. We go according to our scheduled timings – For example, 2pm – Lixu records, 3pm – Donghai records and so on…
Girl DJ: Why don’t all of you record together?
Hankyung: Because the recording studio/room is very small (?). And also, everyone has his own lines, so everyone simply records his own part. As for harmonizing and all that stuff, we also do it one by one.
Girl DJ: Right. So everyone should have a favorite song in this album. Which song do you like most in this album, Hangeng?
Hankyung: It’s a song that we recorded for the Olympics – ‘The One’
Girl DJ: What made you like this song?
Hankyung: Actually, when I first listened to the song, I felt that it is a song with very good (?) harmonization. [Sorry I don’t get the next part, Hankyung said something about the music flowing with your blood?! I guess he meant the music just gets to you.]

Girl DJ: What about Donghai, what is your favourite song in this album?
Donghae: Ah... Mwo ra gu yo? (‘What did she say?’ in Korean)
*Hankyung translates in the background*
Donghae: Ah… I like ‘Zhi Shao Hai You Ni’ (At least there’s still you). Because… (Starts rambling in Korean about how he liked it when he first heard it)
Hankyung: He says, because when he first heard the song, he really liked it.
Girl DJ: Ah, so you liked it when you first heard it. So Donghai, can you use your own way to perform this song for us?
Donghae: *mumbles some Korean that I couldn’t make out, something about singing*
Hankyung: *translates what the DJ said*
Donghae: *starts singing*
Girl DJ: Very good, very good. So what about Lixu, what’s your favourite song in this album?
Ryeowook: *starts singing* It’s gonna be me! … Me!

Girl DJ: Ah, a very nice song. Next – ShiYuan?
Siwon: ‘U’
Girl DJ: (you like) me? [rofl]
Siwon: … *asdkgh;dhsk* I LIKE ‘U’!!!!
Girl DJ: haha, there’s a song called ‘U’ right?
Hankyung: Yes, that’s right. The 13 of us sang this as Super Junior last time. This time, we translated it to Chinese and sang…

Girl DJ: Right, what about Henry?
Henry: Um… it should be ‘Zhe Yi Miao’ (The moment). It’s a very cool song. I like it a lot. Also, I rapped in the middle of the song! [basically, you can tell he's very proud of that]
Girl DJ: Ah, you like it because you got to rap inside!
Henry: *laughs* you have to listen to this song more!

Girl DJ: Right. So what about Zhoumi?
Zhoumi: For me, it’s a song that not many people seem to like – ‘Wo bao zhe wo’ (In My Arms). It’s a very soothing ballad. Actually, we all felt that the effects of the song didn’t come out well. So I suggest that besides our main songs, everyone should listen to the other songs in the album as well. [I personally love ‘In My Arms’]

Girl DJ: Right, how about Kuixian?
Kyuhyun: I like… ‘Miracle’
Girl DJ: Ah, ‘Qi Ji’! (The Chinese title)
Kyuhyun: *starts explaining in Korean, something about the SJ first album*
Zhoumi: *translates* He says, this is a song in Super Junior’s first album, and he only joined Super Junior in their second album. So he didn’t get to sing this song. This time, because he is able to sing it in the Chinese album, he really loves the song.
Girl DJ: Right. So every singer has his own emotions and feelings from past experiences that he expresses in the process of singing. So I would like to know, who is the most emotional here? … Is it Hangeng?

Hankyung: You don’t even understand (the question)! [most probably to Ryeowook]
Girl DJ: Lixu has just pointed to Hangeng.
Hankyung: No, he didn’t even understand what you just said! Actually, Lixu is the one who cries the most…
Girl DJ: What does he usually cry about?
Hankyung: Um… When it’s something touching, or when he’s upset or angry...
Girl DJ: I remember watching a program on TV and all of you were playing a game to see who can not blink for the longest time. And Lixu won. So in real life, he’s someone who’s easily touched… Who, here, is the most popular among the girls?
Hankyung: Donghai!
Donghae: Huh?
Ryeowook: Donghai~~
Girl DJ: Yeoja neomu neomu joha yo? (Korean. It can mean – ‘Do you like girls a lot?’ or ‘Do the girls like you a lot?’ I think. My Korean might fail me >_>)
Donghae: No! Hangeng gege! [I think he misunderstood the question as ‘Do you like girls a lot?’ Either that or the DJ said wrongly.]
Donghae: I don’t!
Hankyung: There was this online poll – ‘Who is the most ideal boyfriend out of all the singers’ and he was first.
Girl DJ: haha, what is so attractive about Donghai?
Hankyung: Donghai… he’s cute. And he’s kind. He’s also very trendy.
Girl DJ: He even complimented himself on being good looking!

And then Hankyung is asked to recommend a song and he recommends ‘Zhi Shao Hai You Ni’

►SJ-Happy Interview in Thailand /span>

video source:

Host: It's a very special day today because I brought you to SM in Korea and interview with Super Junior Happy!
LeeTeuk: Let's greet our fan.. 1..2..3 (All) Sawaddee Krab, We're Super Junior - Happy!

Host: And this is Super Junior-Happy. First of all please tell us how this project started and why do you call it "Happy"
LeeTeuk: Well, this sub-unit is the fourth unit already.. called SJ-Happy.. I think it kinda fits Thailand too. It is now Summer in Korea so we made this album that you can listen and relax (Sungmin kept nodding.. so cuteee!)

Host: Let's talk about the first MV - Cooking Cooking! Many of you have seen that the girl in the mv can't cook at all.. what if that happens in real life? What would you do with that kind of girl?
ShinDong: If my girlfriend can't cook.. umm.. I'll cook for her.. both of us will probably starve (haha) it will be a good way to diet too..
EunHyuk: For me, even though the taste is horrible I'll keep asking her to cook for me.. because the more you cook the better you get so I'll ask her to cook more often
ShinDong: So then you have to keep eating horrible food!?
EunHyuk: Then we'll eat together.. like.. here, you taste it (too cute XD!!)
LeeTeuk: Aren't you afraid you'll get fat?
EunHyuk: I wanna get a bit chubbier..
ShinDong: I envy you...
SungMin: But Eunhyuk.. you're picky on your food, aren't u?
EunHyuk: No..
ShinDong: Don't can say cos you don't have a girlfriend now..
EunHyuk: said i'd eat it!!
SungMin: LOL

SungMin: I would cook for my girlfriend too.. If she can't cook then come here.. look.. I'd teach her.. show her first
ShinDong: then you'd become a permanent cook in your house
SungMin: but my palm doesn't say so...
ShinDong: (said something..)
SungMin: ah..

LeeTeuk: For me, if she isn't good at cooking just tell her that.. I'd tell her straight if the food tastes bad..
ShinDong: tell her that?
LeeTeuk: right.. but i'll treat her a meal instead.. I'll make a lot of money and pay for her
All: ohhh... so cool...

Host: So the next song is called Pajama Party? How was the making of MV? Was it fun?
ShinDong: Ah.. if you look in the mv you'll see that these guys are so mean to me.. Because there were only 4 girls there and they match me with Kangin so the rest can be with the girls.. I was so bored you know that? So do you like it?
EunHyuk: umm, it's hard to say.. hehe.. cos Shindong's hair right now is very much like a girl's.. I think Kangin must be feeling as if he's been matched with a girl anyway..
ShinDong: Just like that?? do you wanna try? why don't you?
EunHyuk: LOL

Host: Many of you in Super Junior also work as DJs.. Do you believe that a lot of Thai fans listen to you guys on the internet and send you messages.. Have you seen or read any of their messages?
LeeTeuk: Yes, many of us are DJs and know that a lot of Thai fans love to listen to us.. they also come to our Homepage.. so I talk to our producer and are thinking we'll create something in Thai to repay that.. Soon the Thai fans will see something that we do just for Thai fans

Host: Yesterday must be really fun with the SM Town concert. How was it? I heard it rained but everyone still continued to have fun..
SungMin: The concert yesterday has ended already.. All of us SM Family got to be together was just like a mini-festival... and the event was held at Korea's biggest stadium too.. very honored for that.. and a lot of fans came to cheer us which was very impressive

Host: It must be so true to say that you guys come to Thailand pretty often.. Have you ever thought that you're bored of Thailand..don't wanna go anymore? and do you have any plans to go back to Thailand in the future?
LeeTeuk: We'd also like to ask the same question to our Thai fans..(All: yeah...) because we go there so often, are you guys bored of us?
SungMin: "aiyy.. these guys come so often..."
LeeTeuk: yeah.. something like that.. but we actually feel really good.. instead of feeling like we're flying to a foreign country, it feels like we're flying home.. we really like it.. And next month there will be a 50th anniversary of Thailand-Korea relationship.. we'd like a lot of Thai fans to come and see us.. we'll be showing the bessstttt of us.. wait, i think it's very near now huh?
EunHyuk: Yeah.. and all 13 of us will be going right?
(yeah yeah.. nod nod nod)
ShinDong: Be prepared to see us!

Host: Lastly, please say something about your project and some greetings to our audience
LeeTeuk: Thailand is a country where all of us Super Junior are very thankful for.. whenever we feel upset or stressful, I'd bring a clip of Thai fans I keep in my cellphone out and let them watch
(Eeteuk shows the clip on his phone)
LeeTeuk: everytime I watch this I'd feel very grateful.. very happy.. thank you so much.. For Super Junior, Thailand is the country of happiness.. we'll keep working hard.. please continue to love us.. we will love our fans as much as you love us... and this is us.. Super Junior - Happy!

Host: It's not easy for our show to come to SM.. so before we leave.. I have a small gift from our Thai fans... These are "Pa kao ma" that Thai guys use to take a shower with, as a scarf, etc.. very useful.. Today I brought one for each of you so that you can use when you visit Thailand too
(doesn't it look like Eunhyuk's scarf??! haha)

►SJ-M Club Asian Interview 080816



Host: and now i'm with another sub-unit from Super Junior and that is Super Junior M! Let's meet them.. Sawaddee krab!
All: Sawaddee krabbb... we're Super Junior M!

Henry: (really good accent =D) Sawaddee krab, my name is Henry
Ryeowook: Sawaddee krab, my name is Ryeo kub
Kyuhyun: Sawaddee krab, my name is Kyu kub
Donghae: Sa-wad-dee kab, my-name-is-dong-hae-kub (!@#$%$ some korean words i don't understand..haha)
Hangeng: Sawaddee kab, my name is Hangeng kub
Siwon: Sawaddee kab, my name is Siwon kub

Host: here are the members from Super Junior M but unfortunately one of the members, Zhoumi cannot attend.. that's ok.. first let's ask u guys.. usually when you go to Thailand, we always ask you what Thai food you like.. but this time we come to you in Korea so we'll ask you which Korean food are your favorites?

Ryeowook: sam kyob sal (not sure about the spelling / grilled pork) must be this one.. it's very good
Siwon: sam kae tang (stewed chicken, i think) right, when foreigners come to Korea they must eat this.. because it's very good for health and super nutritious
Hangeng: shun dae kuk (vermicelli sausage soup)..
Ryeowook: so many.. kimchi fried rice, miso soup,....,vermicelli sausage, and rice cake... hehe (aww, our little chef)

Host: recently all of you in this subunit super junior m have been very busy.. what do you do when you have free time?
Donghae: when we have free time, we'd read books or play games together... go out to exercise, play basketball... and then we eat together.. and if we have more time we'll just chat.. go to study... and then we also pray.. Siwon wants us to pray together
Hangeng: (say something, no sub.. ^^)
Siwon: Hangeng's the only one who doesn't do anything

Host: one of the super junior m members just took a very special responsibility in the torch relay for the Olympics.. how do you feel Hangeng?
Hangeng (in chinese): I'm very impressed and proud because this is the 27th Olympics and is held in China for the first time.. I've had the opportunity to participate in the torch relay it's very honored

Host: How do you guys feel coming to Thailand this time not as Super Junior but as Super Junior M?
Kyuhyun: after we held a big concert in thailand, we stayed there as super junior M for promotions.. i could feel a lot of support from thai fans... and just like all members in super junior, we're very happy and we thank you very much... then we also did a lot of shows (donghae's being naughty again) it was really fun.. next time i want to stay longer *clapping*

Host: do you guys have plan to go back to Thailand again?
Donghae: everytime we go to thailand there will always be fans to welcome us... and from the first time that we went, more and more fans show up (i wonder what kyu's hinting at the back.. haha) so now it's impossible not to go.. just call us and we'll be there! thank you..

Host: before we leave, please say something to our audience
Hangeng: (in Chinese) Super Junior M has formed for about 4-5 months already.. when we meet our fans we're very impressed.. i hope you like our chinese album... last time 7 of us spent a very short time in the fanmeeting so we didn't really get to spend time together.. i hope that next time all 7 of us..(naughty DH!!) will have a chance to meet with thai fans again.. please support us!

Host: we brought you some gifts from thailand.. it's Pa Kao Ma.. anyone knows what this is? (they started nodding, i wonder if they know what he
All: Khob khun krab (thank you)

►SJ-M 1st ClubAsian Interview 080721

Source: < href="'"hE-u8wdKqmE'">

Host: After you guys have seen the live concert by Super Junior yesterday, i bring you to the lovely super junior m.. not to waste time, let's meet with them..

All: Sawaddee krab, we're Super Junior M!
(say hello 'n introducing names: Zhoumi, Kyuhyun, Shiwon, Hangeng, Donghae, Ryeo, Henry)
Host: the members in Super Junior M are all here.. first i'd like to ask how this subunit comes up..
Hangeng: (in chinese) we're called super junior m.. and the target of this subunit is China.. this album we're singing all songs in Chinese.. and all this will happen in China
Host: what about the meaning? what's the meaning of 'M'?
Hangeng: M stands for Mandarin and we all sing in Mandarin in this album so we become Super Junior M
Host: i heard the name of this album is 'Me'.. why Me?
Hangeng: 'Me' first of all means me=I, stands for 7 of us.. and 'Me' in chinese means all the fanclub and we also want everyone to love our album Me too...

Host: let's ask Henry and Zhoumi this time cos they're two new members... how do you feel working with them?
Zhoumi: (in chinese) first off i feel a little pressured to be part of Super Junior M because they're all (experienced) seniors... and i'm also very happy to come to Thailand and i get to meet with thai fans too
Henry: (in english! but very soft voice^^ i can't really hear what he's saying) well um..i feel very happy to be part of this wonderful and talented group.. and i feel very thankful that i've been given opportunity to be in this wonderful group.. and i just hope i can do my part as a member to the best of my ability.. and.. yeah, i'll work my hardest!

Host: who speaks the best chinese? not including zhoumi and hangeng?
Siwon: (in korean) all of us are equally good.. but each specialized in different areas.. uh.. kyuhyun is kinda good in making chinese jokes
Kyuhyun: siwon's chinese.. is as good as a chinese!
Siwon: lol
Hangeng: but not the mandarin chinese... his is like a country-side chinese
Siwon: and ryeowook here.. is very good at everyday-chinese.. the words we use everyday, especially when it concerns eating
Hangeng: and donghae is good at ordering chinese food

Host: i heard donghae raps in chinese too.. can u show us?
Ryeowook: 5..6..7..8..
Donghae: let henry do a beatbox for me first..
Henry: 1..2..!
Donghae: (raps the part in 'U') *clap clap*
Hangeng: when he first recorded his accent wasn't good but after he sings more and more it is much better now

Host: alright, lastly say something to our audience about your album
Ryeowook: right, we had super junior before and now we release super junior m.. we hope that our fans will love this album by super junior m too.. and we want the fans to continue to support us and we'll keep working hard.. please love us..

Host: these guys are very lovely, super junior m.. hopefully we'll meet again in the future.. thank you for coming to our show!

►Don’t Don Super Junior the power of 13 princes, fulfilling their own role well - Epop Magazine

EPop (E): HeeChul whose image is always the most outstanding, are your expectations for the dressing of your future girlfriend the same?
HeeChul: Of course it’s not so! I don’t like my girlfriend to dress too skimpily, or have too many piercings, actually I’m a very conservative person. (E: Even regarding relationship?) En, I had proposed to a girl i liked once, but she said that there was already someone whom she liked. I told her that if i had known earlier that she had someone whom she liked, I wouldn’t have treated her like that, and she wouldn’t have to go through so much pain…

E:SungMin was awarded ‘2007 Best Smile Award’ by a certain Korean magazine, why do you think you got this award?
SungMin: It should be because I smile a lot! But actually the other members also smile~why is it just me alone? Maybe my image is that of a more friendly one, hence giving a feeling of comfort and cuteness. But some fans say that I’m more cool, maybe i’m not really friendly to everyone, only that i greet everyone with a friendly smile…

E: How’s the role allocaton between YeSung and the other members in the hostel?
YeSung: In our hostel, there’s me, RyeoWook, SungMin, EunHyuk and KyuHyun. Amongst the few of us, I’m the one who likes to clean my room the most, and SungMin likes to decorate his room, RyeoWook’s the best at cooking, RyeoWook likes to cook for the members, just like a mum! KyuHyun hasn’t fully recovered yet, so he’s still staying with his parents, but he’ll be able to stay with us after a while.

E: As SJ’s leader, are there any members in SJ that you feel are helpful aides? Even when you’re not around, the person can act as the second leader to lead the whole SJ?
LeeTeuk: The second leader? We have discussed this question privately before! But I still feel that the role of leader suits me the best, Ha! If I have to choose, I think it’ll be KangIn, (he) used to help me a lot in the past, but it could be due to his busy schedule recently, he has been neglecting it now. That’s why recently it’s become EunHyuk and DongHae who are playing the role of ‘The Second Leader’. They listen to me a lot, and often ask me ‘Hyung, how about we try again? What does hyung think?’ And i host a radio programme with Eunhyuk, so the two of us often discuss the future development of the group.

E: SiWon’s popularity is not only high in China, HongKong and Taiwan these Chinese countries, but you’re also popular in Thailand?
SiWon: The other time i shot a CF that i was the spkesperson for it in Thailand, I realised what left a deep impression on me was that the fans made me feel warm, very happy. And the thai fans are rather cute, feels very familiar, just like Koreans, I don’t know if i’m just thinking too much, but I always feel that Thais have very beautiful eyes, my ideal type are girls with beautiful eyes!

EPop (E): Heard that when HanGeng first joined SJ, EunHyuk told HanGeng a big lie?
EunHyuk: Haha! This was revealed by KiBum, actually when HanGeng first entered the company, we introduced ourselves. And I lied to him that my name was ‘WonBin’, and in the end this China trainee (HanGeng) called me ‘WonBin’ for the next 3 months!!!

E: Did you feel that you looked like WonBin?
EunHyuk: I didn’t say that, just that when I laugh, I show my gums too, and I happened to see WonBin on TV, when he smiles he also shows his gums, so that’s why I feel that I look like WonBin!

E: In these two years, What do you feel has been your greatest change?
HanGeng: I feel that my biggest change is that i have matured in all areas. (E: So what’s the greatest improvement?) If you’re talking about improvement, because I started out as a singer, in this period of time I have been learning things other than being a singer, for example acting, hosting etc, now I am training myself to improve. The greatest improvement should be my confidence, compared to when I first debuted, I am now confident in everythng that I do, I feel is the greatest improvement!

E: Talk about your most memorable overseas promotional trip!
KangIn: It should be the first time when we performed in China! That was where we sang three songs continuously, originally thought that not many people knew us, neither have they heard our songs, didn’t expect that when we sang on stage, so many people sang along with us off the stage, and later I even heard the fans ringtones which were set to our songs. This surprised me, and also made me very happy. To be able to complete our first performance in China, we felt very happy and also very satisfied!

E: Are there any nicknames for each other when the members are together?
DongHae: We’ll come up with nicknames for each other when we are together, but we won’t call each other by nickname often. Why do we call SungMin ‘Dan HoBak’? Because he was shooting a drama at that time, and in the show, there was a line ‘Please buy me some Dan HoBak (Sweet pumpkin)’, so we nicknamed him ‘Dan HoBak’. For KyuHyun, he’s very addicted to gaming and watching dramas, this gaming skills are very good too, it has reached a professional level, so sometimes we’ll call him ‘Game Hyun’, or when he watches dramas, we’ll call him ‘Dra Hyun’.

E: Congratulations to KyuHyun on returning to the stage that belongs to SJ! Anything to say to your supporters?
KyuHyun: To all the cheers that the Elves have given us, I don’t know what to say. Even though I didn’t rest for long, but it felt like forever to me, after being away from the stage for a few months, when I stood at the backstage, I felt very nervous. At this time, I heard the loudest, most touching screams ever. Just like I ended my first time on stage, couldn’t remember clearly what went on, I felt the same way again. The fans’ love is my strength, so I’m back! To return your love, I will put in more effort, please continue to take note of us! I LOVE ELF!!

EPop (E): KiBum has lives in The States, what experience has the five years left on you? Or has it changed the way you look at life?
KiBum: From 11 years old till 16, I lived in the US, maybe it’s because life in the states is more carefree, at the beginning I couldn’t get used to the age hierachy. I don’t have a concept of ‘hyung’ and ‘dongsaeng’, Korea is a country where there is a serious sense of hierachy, unlike in the US, where eveyone are like friends. It was rather difficult when I first tried to get used to it. But because I am still a Korean, so I got used to it after a while.

E: Regarding the plump representative in the group ShinDong, can RyeoWook tell us some of his good points?
RyeoWook: What’s good about ShinDong is that whatever I cook, he loves it, every night when I cook, the person who’ll definitely eat is ShinDong hyung. He’s never picky with his food, and everything he eats looks delicious. And if I go somewhere, he will go with me, when I’m tired or lonely he’ll accompany me by my side.

E: Towards members’ ‘magnae’ RyeoWook, is there anything that ShinDong wants to say to him?
ShinDong: RyeoWook really loves to cook, and the only member who eats is me! Really tortures me, why does he always ask me to try his cooking? He’s the kind of person who, when he sees someone trying his cooking, he’ll feel a sense of satisfaction. Especially after I eat his food, he’ll feel very full, in the end I am the only one growing fats, he doesn’t grow fat at all. I hope that he can change this, let’s eat together in the future ok?