Gospel Reflections [Jan.5]
Gospel Reflections for Monday: Matthew 4:12-17,23-25
"If you write for God, you will reach many men and bring them joy. If you write for men, you may make some money and you may give someone a little joy and you may make noise in the world, for a little while. If you write only for yourself, you can read what you yourself have written and after ten minutes you will be so disgusted, you will wish that you were dead." Thomas Merton
My Reflections:
What if in His humanity Jesus has no power to heal, has no power to teach and preach. Would they have followed Him then?
What if despite of our regular Mass attendance and the good works that we do God would still not hear our pleadings and prayers. Would we still follow Him?
In the gospel, Jesus’ fame spread like wildfire, His followers grew like the waves of a tsunami. All because of the many miracles and healings that He has done.
If we follow Jesus based on His miracles and healings our discipleship is still shallow and superficial.
1:19 AM
Gospel Reflections